Archive 2010
- Adding a <hr> in a tinyMCE instance
- My new backup strategy for 2011
- Using Router::connectNamed without breaking pagination
- The dreaded <noscript> on IE7
- Deleting an element from an Array/Object in Javascript
- Komodo Edit Tip : Using regexp in search/replace
- Testing IE6 and IE7 using VirtualBox on Windows
- Running a cakePHP shell script as cronjob on Dreamhost
- Knowing dev from prod in a cakePHP shell
- Adding extensions to a Windows PHP
- Migrating mails from GMail to other IMAP server
- Performance improvement : moving assets to subdomains
- The multi-tab admin problem
- Using fonts hosted on a subdomain with @font-face and Firefox
- Setting the z-index of a jQuery UI datepicker
- Finding a string in multiple files
- Some CSS hacks to target IE6 and IE7
- Preventing tinyMCE from wrapping <img /> in <p>
- Displaying HTML mails sent from cakePHP in SquirrelMail
- Aborting an AJAX request with jQuery
- Openid redirect not working on Opera
- Copy/Paste text from Word into tinyMCE
- How to prevent a FOUC but still gracefully degrade the jQuery UI tabs
- CSS for Javascript enabled browsers
- Text emboss in CSS
- How to hide/show elements based on Javascript
- Corrupted strings when using strtolower()
- How to fix the Firefox autocomplete 'feature'
- 7 advices to start using OOCSS as a coding practice
- Testing a custom ErrorHandler in cakePHP
- Correctly instanciating models in components
- Disabling a Behavior from inside its setup() method
- The all-in-one method to get mimetypes with PHP
- One thing that may turn me to Ruby : LESS
- Testing file uploads in PHP
- Disabling PHP scripts in a directory
- Creating dirs with correct chmod in PHP
- Calling a parent method with arguments in PHP
- SWFUpload and cakePHP
- Forcing joins in a cakePHP find
- Allow click through an HTML element
- Beginner's introduction to Unit Testing and TDD
- Adding some logic in your MySQL
- Javascript speed tip : reduce variable lookup
- Using a fixture with a model using $useTable in cakePHP
- Catching PHP errors with simpleTest
- cakePHP testing tip : Creating or edit a datasource on the fly
- Displaying a date in the correct locale with cakePHP
- Breaking out of an if statement in PHP
- CSS3 gradients with CSSTidy
- Meeting with Eric Daspet and Stoyan Stefanov in Paris
- Improved form spam protection
- MySQL Error 1577 on Dreamhost
- First impressions on my Android powered HTC Legend
- Arsys, a registrar to avoid
- Migrating mails from IMAP to IMAP (part 2/2)
- Overview of the different ways of protecting your email address
- Opera bug : border-radius and background-color on an input
- New website
- Migrating mails from IMAP to IMAP (part 1/2)
- Pros and cons of using Google CDN for your assets
- Doing persistent login the right way
- Using cakePHP OpenId plugin on Windows
- Paginated search results and custom url
- Unable to send mail to same server
- "failed to import extension hgext.imerge" warning on Dreamhost
- Tabindexing and inserting tabs with tinyMCE
- Using custom find and paginate methods in cakePHP 1.3
- Gzipping your font files
- Give your variables meaningful names
- @font-face with multiple fonts and CSSTidy
- Preventing Firefox from auto-filling login and password fields
- You should always test on older browser versions
- Using :after and :before
- Running multiple Firefox versions side by side on Windows
- Changing Firefox language
- How to select the first element of a given class
- The blockquote cite attribute
- Setting the size of a tab character in a pre element
- Tweaking tinyMCE
- Rendering bug with generated content on form fields in Opera
- Opening a new tab using Ctrl+Click on Opera
- Knowing if an element is in the DOM using jQuery
- missing data in jQuery Ajax event ajaxSuccess
- CSS rule to target only Firefox
- Updated CSSTidy files
- -webkit-box-shadow inset value
- cakePHP i18n extract and plugins
- Generating salt values
- Mysql auto backup
- Viddler utf8 encoding issue with video description
- Extra GET request when using SWFUpload
- Manually changing MX and CNAME resolving for Gmail
- tinyMCE mceRemoveNode explained
- Setting content-type in link attributes
- Unresponding jQuery UI dialog box
- Why is my disk full ?
- Quick overview of the Prestashop admin panel
- Using nested subrepos with Mercurial and TortoiseHg
- .htaccess hacked
- Integration of a bbPress forum into a cakePHP application (part 4)
- Integration of a bbPress forum into a cakePHP application (part 3)
- Integration of a bbPress forum into a cakePHP application (part 2)
- Integration of a bbPress forum into a cakePHP application (part 1)
- Reading my own code from 3 years ago
- DNS caching and flushing
- What would we be studying if our world was a software ?
- Debugging a Squirrel webmail
- Database in UTF8 with Coldfusion
- Never use alert() for debugging
- Writing a class in Javascript
- Learning extJs
- A little introduction to image metadata
- Selecting node based on namespace in xPath
- Safari input focusing problem