Displaying HTML mails sent from cakePHP in SquirrelMail

I just stumble upon the fact that my automated multipart (text + html) mails sent from my apps weren't correctly displayed on SquirrelMail.

I'm personnaly using GMail for my day to day email needs, but one of my client was using the default SquirrelMail (v1.4.21) install on their Dreamhost account. The received mails are not correctly parsed and get displayed as plain text, even if the header clearly specifiy a Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="alt-"

The first culprit was that no boundary were given. This does not seem to cause GMail any problem, but I thought that SquirrelMail may choke on that. So I manually added a $this->Email->_createboundary(); call before my $this->Email->send();

Still, no succes. After some googling I found a bug report for a similar problem. I tried adding the suggested MIME header, and that solved my problem.

So here's my updated code :

$this->Email->sendAs = 'both';
$this->Email->__header[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0';

I'll now have to add those two additional line of code everytime I'll have to send a multipart (html + text) email in cakePHP, until it get fixed (no specified milestone).

Tags : #cakephp, #mail, #squirrelmail, #webmail, #headers

Want to add something ? Feel free to get in touch on Bluesky : @pixelastic.bsky.social