Adding a <hr> in a tinyMCE instance
11 Dec 2010When using the default tinyMCE implementation to add an <hr>
element to the editor content, the <hr>
is added inside its parent <p>
element (when it should be an element on its own, without such a parent).
I've added my own plugin to resolve this small issue, here is the code :
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.pixelastic_hrPlugin', {
init : function(editor, url) {
// Register the command
editor.addCommand('mcepixelastic_hr', function() {
// We get the parent node
var parentNode = editor.selection.getNode(),
uniqueId = editor.dom.uniqueId();
// We insert the hr (with a unique id to select it later)
editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<hr id="'+uniqueId+'" />');
var hr ='#'+uniqueId)[0];
// We split the parent element around the hr
editor.dom.split(parentNode, hr);
// We remove the temporary id
$(hr).attr('id', null);
// Adding a button
editor.addButton(pluginName, { title : 'pixelastic_hr.desc', cmd : 'mcepixelastic_hr' });
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('pixelastic_hr', tinymce.plugins['pixelastic_hrPlugin']);
The trick to use the editor.dom.split
method to split the parent element around the <hr>
The dirty hacks is that there is no way to get a direct reference to a DOM element added through mceInsertContent
, so we need to set a temporary unique id and then select it through this id.
I use jQuery in my example and I strongly suggest you to do the same, the selectors it provides are much sexier and helps writing these kind of plugins pretty fast.
Want to add something ? Feel free to get in touch on Bluesky :