cakePHP wrapper for EmailComponent::send()

As I already wrote in a previous post, the cakePHP EmailComponentseems to have some quirks, forcing me to add more code to send an email.

I stumbled upon one more issue today : a View poisoning coming from the EmailComponent. Some vars I was passing to my view through the use of a custom Helperwere wipe away if I send a mail in the same request.

It took me some time to track it down, but I finally decided that I'll now wrap calls to $this->Email->send() into a __sendEmail() custom method where I'll add my tweaks.

This will help migrating to a newer cake version easier when those bugs will be fixed.

Easy debug

Debugging emails is not an easy task, but is greatly eased by cake. One can set the delivery type to debugand the mail will be generated like a normal mail, but won't be sent. Instead, its content will be saved in Session.

My wrapper will allow switching from normal to debug mail thanks to an argument.

View cleaning

I'll also clear the ClassRegistryfrom the Viewcreated by the EmailComponent. The Emailview is shared with the display view and this can result in vars being lost or not correctly set. I think all those troubles are gone in cake 2.0 but I haven't tested it yet.

The __sendMail method

Here is the method code. You should add it to your AppController :

function __sendMail($sendAsDebug = false) {
  if (empty($this->Email)) {
    return false;
  // Debug mode
  if (!empty($sendAsDebug)) {
    $this->Email->delivery = 'debug';
  // We force adding the boundaries and header otherwise some webmail (like SquirelMail) won't correctly display them
  $this->Email->__header[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0';
  // We display debug info
  if (!empty($sendAsDebug)) {
    debug($this->Session->read(''), true);
  // We also need to clear the generated view so our display does not get poisoned by the Email display

Tags : #cakephp, #classregistry, #component, #email, #squirrelmail, #emailcomponent, #view

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