Archive 2014
- 2014 learnings and 2015 objectives
- Testing $q promises with Angular
- pantone2hex
- Password storage, are you doing it wrong ?
- Automatically save pictures from phone to Dropbox folder
- Generate dummy images for testing file upload
- Pushing to production and Github in one command
- Improving my keyboard
- Windows filepath too long when deleting node_modules
- Setting all inputs as $dirty in AngularJS 1.2
- Sass UTF-8 encoding on Windows
- Getting up to date on CSS
- Otf, ttf, eot, woff and svg. What mimetypes to use ?
- Angular form input redundancy
- Life important lessons
- UTF-8 encoding for nginx
- AnkiDroid
- Migrating to Jekyll
- UTF-8 encoding for included .jsp files