Deduplicating array values in zsh
03 Feb 2023Given an array with a lot of values, I want to keep only one occurence of each value. I want to make those values unique.
The (u)
local myArray=(a b c d a b b)
echo ${(u)myArray} # a b c d
Applied on an array, the (u)
(for u
nique) deduplicates the array.
The typeset -aU
Somehow, I didn't work in my case and I'm still unsure why, so I found another way.
By defining my variable as an array with unique values from the get go, I don't need to deduplicate it manually, it will automatically refuse duplicate values.
typeset -aU myArray
local myArray=(a b c d a b b)
echo ${(u)myArray} # a b c d
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