Deduplicating array values in zsh

Given an array with a lot of values, I want to keep only one occurence of each value. I want to make those values unique.

The (u) modifier

local myArray=(a b c d a b b)
echo ${(u)myArray} # a b c d

Applied on an array, the (u) (for unique) deduplicates the array.

The typeset -aU definition

Somehow, I didn't work in my case and I'm still unsure why, so I found another way.

By defining my variable as an array with unique values from the get go, I don't need to deduplicate it manually, it will automatically refuse duplicate values.

typeset -aU myArray
local myArray=(a b c d a b b)
echo ${(u)myArray} # a b c d

Replacing new lines with spaces in zsh

Another one of those things I need to often do in zsh and never remember the syntax.

I had a multiline string (as returned by fzf) and wanted to convert it into a single line, with spaces instead of spaces.

This was the right formula: selection=("${(f)selection}")

Complex sed search and replace (multiline, regexp, non-greedy)

I had a large chunk of text (output from another command), and needed to perform a search and replace on it. I usually do that either with zsh builting ${var:gs/x/y/} syntax or sed, but this time my pattern was spread on several lines.

Multi-line with --null-data

The trick here is to use sed ---null-data to make it operate on the full text instead of on invidual lines. Technically, it now considers a "line" to end with a NUL character, and not a \n anymore.

Improve readability with --regexp-extended

To improve readability of my regexps, I also used --regexp-extended which allows me to write capturing groups without having to escape them ((.*) instead of \(.*\)).


sed does not have a non-greedy mode, which means it will always capture the largest group it can.

The way to work around that involves writing a slightly more complex regexp by specifically defining the one character we don't want to capture.

For example with the string foo_bar_baz, I might want to find the part before the first _ by doing ^(.*)_. This will actually return foo_bar because it's greedy.

The way to work around that is to use ^([^_]*)_ instead. This can be read as: capture everything that is not a _ from the start until you met a _.

Splitting a string with zsh

This is one of those transformations I know how to do with node, ruby, or even the command line, but that I always have to refer to Stack Overflow when attempting to do it with zsh.

Hopefully, writing this blog post (and referring to it later) will help me remember how to do it.

To split a string variables by a delimiter, one can use the (${(@s/X/)variableName}) syntax.

  • The wrapping () means that the resulting variable will be treated as an array
  • The ${} interpolation syntax allow passing specific modifiers
  • The (@s/X/) modifier means to split it by the X character.

To split by the / character, you can use an alternate syntax like (@s:/:) instead. The character following the @s is part of the zsh syntax parsing, and the character between them will be your actual delimiter.

ZSH filepath modifiers

zsh comes bundled with variable modifier to alter filepaths and extract the relevant parts.

Given the following code, we can display $filepath in a lot of different ways:

mkdir -p /tmp/subdir
cd /tmp
local filepath=./subdir/file.zsh

| Name | Output | Modifier | Mnemonic | | --------- | ---------------------- | ----------------- | ------------------ | | Absolute | /tmp/subdir/file.zsh | ${filepath:a} | absolute | | Basename | file.zsh | ${filepath:t} | tail | | Filename | file | ${filepath:t:r} | tail rest | | Extension | zsh | ${filepath:e} | extension | | Dirpath | /tmp/subdir | ${filepath:a:h} | absolute h ead |

For clarity

  • tail is everything after the last /
  • head is everything before the last /
  • extension is everything after the last .
  • rest is everything before the last .

Other goodies

  • ${~filepath} will expand ~ to their full path, while ${filepath/#$HOME/\~} will use ~ instead of home path
  • :command gives you the executable path of a command (a bit like which)
  • :q for quoting, :U for unquoting, :x for quoting individual words
  • :l for lowercase, :u for uppercase
  • :2:10 takes a substring from 2 to 10
  • Those modifiers can be applied directly to glob patterns (src/**/*.zsh(:t:r))